How We Got Here

Cardiac Markers believes each patient benefits when they become their own health care advocate. Our goal is to find an easy and reliable method of recording ECG at home or on the road. We became aware of the QTVariability Index algorithm and its potential to identify adverse cardiac events. When reviewing the AHA Journal article Predictive Value of Beat to Beat QT Variability Index Across the Continuum of Left Ventricular Dysfunction, it was so compelling we that contacted two of the researchers and met with them several times to discuss the benefits of including at-home QTVariability Index in our ECG. It was clear that it was possible even though complex to develop an automated software for the measurement of the QTVariability Index and other ECG parameters. We contacted Jean-Philippe Couderc, PhD, to design Cardiac Markers an automated ECG analysis with VS 2.0 QTVariability Index software.

From the beginning our goal was to develop an easy to use analysis for all. We at Cardiac Markers believe we have achieved our goal.

For the last twenty four months we have further refined our algorithms, including a new VS 3.0 QTVariability Index for daily use. We are now validating the VS 3.0 QTVariability Index with other users of the algorithm in a clinical setting. The validation will continue for the foreseeable future.

We are preparing to begin real time testing of the software with smartwatches and Holter devices which have multiple parameter acquisitions for our use. We believe the market for traumatic brain injury, sleep apnea, and athletic performance could benefit from access to the information gathered by the VS 3.0 QTVariability Index algorithm.